August: 9:00 - 18:00, Mon - Thu
9:00 - 17:00, Fri
IVF center in Barcelona

Fertility treatments for patients in Argenteuil

Our clinic offers all the available IVF treatments in Europe with personalized and trustworthy care. We have our own laboratory equipped with state-of-the-art technological equipment.

Our doctors have over 15 years of experience in PMA in Spain but also in France.
Our doctors have over 15 years of experience in PMA in Spain but also in France.
First certified laboratory using cutting edge equipment and without Volatile Organic Compounds.
First certified laboratory using cutting edge equipment and without Volatile Organic Compounds.
There is no waiting list for our patients. We care about your time.
There is no waiting list for our patients. We care about your time.

Why do women in Argenteuil choose NatuVitro Barcelona for their PMA treatment?

The Assisted Reproductive Center of the Argenteuil hospital and the offer of PMA care in the Paris region allow for the treatment of infertility, but for multiple reasons: age limits, long waiting times, pre-implantation diagnosis, rare phenotypes, the choice of Spain is necessary.

The NatuVitro team guarantees immediate care, attentive and personalized treatment with a wide range of treatments. In our clinic, you will find a warm and dedicated medical team ready to provide personalized care specifically tailored to your needs. Our complete range of treatments is not only of high quality, but also widely recognized throughout Europe. We have organized ourselves to facilitate your care by limiting your travel to a few days, even though the journey between Argenteuil and Barcelona is easy and there are many varied accommodation options available on site.

Barcelona is an attractive city which, if there were only 3 words to define it, would be culture, style and harmony. Your fertility journey can be accompanied by moments of relaxation and discovery, thus alleviating the emotional burden of treatment.

So, if you come from Argenteuil in search of support, personal care, without waiting lists, easy logistics, and a chance to turn your fertility journey into a beautiful experience, then we await you.

We have one of the best
success rates in the industry

Personalized treatment, our expert guidance and cutting-edge technology come together to redefine what's possible. Success rates vary and depend on the treatment you choose, your age, health, etc.

We have one of the best success rates thanks to the experience of our doctors, well-chosen individual treatments and the first-class technology that our laboratory is equipped with. If you would like to learn more about success rates, select the treatment you need below.

Trust a team of professionals with an average of 15 years of experience

You can make an appointment with any doctor on a date that suits you.

Scroll right to see all the doctors

Dr. Iñaki González-Foruria
Medical Director
COMB: 40780
Dr. Clàudia Forteza
Specialist gynecologist in assisted reproduction
COMB: 50849
Dr. Rebeca Beguería
Specialized gynecologist in assisted reproduction
COMB: 40754
Schedule your free consultation today!

Get expert advice on PMA without waiting

Discover which treatment suits you best.

The consultation can take place either online or at the clinic. Choose several days and times, we will adapt to your schedule.

Click the button below and sign up for a consultation
Only 1 minute you will need to sign up for a free consultation

How will the consultation take place?

The doctor will advise you to the best of his ability, do not hesitate to ask him all your questions. During the consultation:

We analyze your medical history together
We analyze your medical history together
Our doctor will advise you based on your specific needs
We will offer you customized treatment options.
We will offer you customized treatment options.
We will decide together what suits you best. We care about your health.
We will answer your questions
We will answer your questions
We are here to help you!
Click the button below and sign up for a consultation

The best chance to succeed

First certified VOC-Free Lab in Spain. You embryo is safer and healthier with us!

The Embryoscope Flex® provides a stable and controlled environment. The microchambers allow us to monitor the development of each embryo and help us decide when it is the right time for transfer or cryopreservation. These images are the first movie of your future baby.

We care about you

Taking care of your body and health

We stand out by offering personalized protocols and treating each client as a cherished individual, rather than a mere number on a waiting list.

  • One doctor coordinates your treatment from the beginning to the end with the help of your personal medical assistant.
  • We will take good care of your body and respect your health, and will avoid using extra hormones.
  • We really get to know you and design the best treatment plan tailored to your needs.
  • Transparent pricing! No hidden costs or last-minute add-ons, so you can confidently plan and budget for your needs.
  • We are committed to open dialogue and customer support, and you will receive the assistance you need at any time.
  • For us, you are not just a number. No waiting list for you to start any treatment!
One visit to the clinic will bring you closer to your dream of having a child. Schedule a consultation with our doctor!

What people say about our services

100% real reviews about our care and services

Selon Google sur la base de 100+ avis
Anna Boshnak
Marine J.
Merci à toute l'équipe NatuVitro ! Le suivi humain, personnalisé et bienveillant nous a donné confiance en vous et en nous pour mener à bien notre projet PMA. Sur place, c'est avec un accueil chaleureux que nous avons été reçues puis prises en charge avec professionnalisme et bienveillance. Nous gardons un souvenir très positif de notre expérience avec vous. Merci.
Emi Fang
Françoise B.
Mon mari et moi avons choisis Natuvitro car possibilité de faire des transferts sur cycle naturel. Nous avons toujours réponses à nos questions et ce rapidement( merci Sabrina). Je suis suivie par le Docteur Begueria ( FIV DO). J'ai eu un premier transfert en novembre qui malheureusement c'est terminé en fausse couche...
Микита Кириченко
Alessandra C.
Je tiens à remercier le Docteur Gonzalez et toute l’équipe de Natuvitro pour leur accueil et leur professionnalisme. Je recommande vivement cette clinique car ils sont à l’écoute, bienveillants, ils sont très humain et disponible. Grâce au Docteur Gonzalez nous avons pu réaliser notre rêve 🤰🏼 Merci du fond du cœur
Anna Annette
Jeremy R.
J’ai eu la grande chance de tomber sur Natuvitro un peu par hasard car je cherchais une clinique de fertilité qui prônait plutôt une vision naturelle de la PMA, par exemple de pouvoir faire un transfert sur cycle naturel lorsque c’était possible. J’ai 43 ans et j’avais essuyé 5 échecs en insémination auparavant en France...
Tiffany T.
1er essai concluant pour cette clinique qui bat des records de vitesse en insémination. Quasiment aucun délai à prévoir et une équipe à l'écoute et surtout du personnel très disponible. Contact par visio et échanges emails fructueux, nous recommandons vivement. Une partie de l'équipe est également bilingue français donc n'hésitez pas ! Zoé & Tiff
Monsieur F.
Bonjour! Pour nous, NATUVITRO est la meilleure expérience de nos vies. Nous avions connu cette clinique par l’intermédiaire d’un homologue au Docteur Gonzalez, le Professeur Pietro Santulli que nous saluons de passage. Après 8ans d’attente, et avec le soutien inlassable d’un personnel toujours dévoué, gentil, compétent et professionnel...
Mariane D.
Merci à toute l'équipe Natuvitro, et particulièrement à Sabrina et au Dr Begueria pour votre accueil chaleureux et votre écoute attentive. Relationnel très humain et suivi impeccable 🙂
How we help women
Personalized treatments
Donor selection process
A clinical consultation with the gynecologist assesses her overall and reproductive health by analyzing her medical history, family history, addictions if any, motivations, and any medication she may be taking. We perform a blood test to eliminate any risks of infectious diseases (Hepatitis, HIV, chlamydia...), gynecological exams, and a thorough genetic analysis to minimize the risk of transmitting genetic diseases to the future baby. We analyze the donor's genome using the qQuarrier plus test, which studies genes responsible for over 300 diseases. The final validation is done by the psychologist, who establishes her profile and gives the green light regarding her emotional and mental health, detecting any deviations.
Treatment cost
The cost of your treatment will depend on your diagnosis and preferences. You will find on the website a table with the different options that we can offer you. During your first visit with your doctor, you will evaluate which is the best treatment for you, and you will adapt it to your personal situation. We can offer you several programs in egg donation, from the first one that guarantees a blastocyst for €5795 to the last one that guarantees pregnancy for €35,000. Our programs perfectly describe what is included in the package and what is not, so there are no unpleasant surprises!
Training and experience of the medical team
Let's start with our gynecologists: each of them has over 5 years of experience in renowned Spanish fertility clinics (Dexeus, Eugin). The nurses and medical assistants have also been recruited from fertility clinics, so they have the required experience to provide the best care for our patients.
Processing time and support services
We do not have a waiting list, the only barrier is to complete or update the necessary tests and examinations and start the endometrial preparation of the recipient. Whether it is doctors or medical assistants, they are very attentive to our patients and answer all their questions. If the discomfort is more significant, a psychologist is available to help with the treatment.
Post-treatment care
Egg donation does not require any immobilization. After the embryo transfer, the recipient can resume her normal life after a few minutes of tranquility in the recovery room. After 9 to 15 days from the embryo transfer, the woman will take a pregnancy test to evaluate if the desired pregnancy has been achieved. This test consists of measuring the serum levels of the pregnancy hormone: beta-hCG. During these 9 to 15 days, your doctor and your assigned medical assistant are at your disposal for any information or support. The woman must also continue taking progesterone after the transfer until the time indicated by the doctor, which can be up to the 12th to 20th week of gestation.
Clinical installations
Our facility is one of the most efficient because we have implemented a sophisticated air treatment system that eliminates, in addition to the required standard norms, all volatile organic compounds from the laboratory. The technological means implemented in our laboratory are innovative and efficient. We use the Embryoscope Flex, which is equipped with micro-cameras that allow the laboratory team to follow the development of each embryo in real time without disturbing them, and without modifying the ideal temperature or the interior atmosphere that protects them. The operating room is also equipped with the best possible technology and our rest areas are designed to make each patient feel comfortable.
Treatment protocol
We have several protocols for egg donation with endometrial preparation that can be done either with hormonal replacement therapy or in a natural cycle. The choice of these two preparations is made after your first visit with your doctor because several data need to be evaluated to choose one protocol or the other. Monitoring is usually done at home with your treating doctor (ultrasounds, blood tests, etc.) and you send us the results. The transfer is done by the doctor at the clinic who has been following you since the first visit.
Donor anonymity
The Spanish law on assisted human reproduction (law 14/2006) establishes that gamete donation must be a supportive, altruistic, and anonymous act, therefore the identity of the donor and the recipient is confidential, they cannot know each other. In addition, the egg donor or sperm donor will not be able to meet the children born thanks to their donations. Normally, the only information that can be provided to the recipient or children born through egg donation are related to medical history that may influence pregnancy, such as age or blood type.
Availability of donors
Our panel of donors is large enough to guarantee egg donation without a waiting list. Donor allocation to recipients will be done trying to ensure as much as possible the phenotypic (physical characteristics) and immunological similarity between the two.
Transparency of treatment results
According to the law, the Activity Register of the center is published, at least once a year, with information about its activity regarding the number of techniques and procedures of different types for which the center is accredited, as well as the success rates, in terms of reproduction, obtained by the center and with each reproduction technique. We publish the results of our center on our website.
Anonymous and selfless
Who is your egg donor?

According to Spanish law, egg donation, like any organ or biological tissue donation, is anonymous and altruistic. This means that neither the donor nor the recipient can know the identity of the other person. Once you are known to your doctor at NatuVitro, along with your partner if you have one, and your donor, it will be your doctor's responsibility to ensure the maximum compatibility between both parties, as well as the safety and well-being of both.

Between 18 and 34 years old
From which we have verified their good physical and psychological health
We have performed a karyotype and other genetic tests to rule out hereditary diseases.
With physical characteristics similar to yours
Free from communicable diseases

We welcome patients from all over France

France, Paris

Our team of gynecologists, coordinators, and biologists, all with extensive experience in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), personalizes and adjusts your treatment and budget according to your preferences while optimizing your success rates and prioritizing your health and the well-being of your future baby.

Always in contact with you
We are available at any time and we will accompany you at every step towards your maternity.
We speak your language
Most of us are at least trilingual and we speak 11 languages, including French. You will feel right at home!
Transparent pricing
No hidden costs or last-minute additions, so you can plan and budget your needs with confidence.
Your tracking with full confidence
Your doctor takes care of you from beginning to end with the help of your personal medical assistant. We really get to know you and trust you.
Success rate up to 98%
The chances of pregnancy offered by IVF with egg donation are the highest of all Assisted Reproductive treatments.
No waiting list
We don't have any list, regardless of your physical appearance, to find a donor that matches you. Don't worry, Barcelona is cosmopolitan.

Frequently asked questions

The Spanish Law on Assisted Human Reproduction (Law 14/2006) establishes that gamete donation must be an act of solidarity, altruism, and anonymity, therefore the identity of the donor and the recipient is confidential and they cannot know each other. In addition, egg donors or sperm donors cannot meet the children born through their donations.

Normally, the only information about the egg donor that can be provided to the recipient or the children born through egg donation is related to medical history that may influence pregnancy, such as age or blood type.

According to the law, the Activity Registry of the center is published, at least once a year, with information about its activity regarding the number of approved techniques and processes of different types, as well as the success rates, in terms of reproduction, achieved by the center and with each reproduction technique. We share the results of our center on our website.

When a young woman decides to donate her eggs, we start with a pre-selection process with a list of basic questions to determine if we can accept her into our donation program. Next, a clinical consultation with a gynecologist evaluates her overall health and reproductive health by analyzing her medical history, family history, any addictions she may have, her motivations, and any medication she may be taking. We conduct a blood test to eliminate the risk of infectious diseases (Hepatitis, HIV, chlamydia, etc.), perform gynecological exams, and conduct a thorough genetic analysis to minimize the risk of transmitting genetic diseases to the future baby. The final validation is done by a psychologist who assesses her profile and gives the green light regarding her emotional and mental health, and detects any deviations. We analyze the donor's genome using the qQuarrier plus test, which studies genes responsible for over 300 diseases.

The donation of oocytes does not require any immobilization. After the embryo transfer, the recipient can resume her normal life after a few minutes of tranquility in the recovery room.

After 9 to 15 days from the embryo transfer, the woman will take a pregnancy test to evaluate if the desired pregnancy has been achieved. This test consists of measuring the serum levels of the pregnancy hormone: beta-hCG.

During these 9 to 15 days, your doctor and your assigned medical assistant are available for any information or support. The woman should also continue taking progesterone after the transfer until the time indicated by the doctor, which can go up to the 12th to the 20th week of gestation.

According to Law 14/2006, of May 26, on assisted reproductive techniques, egg donation is an anonymous, altruistic, and voluntary act by which a healthy young woman decides to donate a small part of her eggs to an assisted reproduction clinic. Before going to the assisted reproduction clinic, women who wish to donate their eggs must verify if they meet the requirements of the Spanish law on egg donation:

  • Be between 18 and 35 years old.
  • Be in good physical and mental health.
  • Have normal ovulatory function.
  • Absence of malformations, infections, and/or hereditary genetic diseases.
  • Not being adopted, as it is essential to know the medical history of close relatives.
  • Not having given birth to more than 6 children. 

The law also defines the medical and psychological examinations that egg donors must undergo:

  • Gynecological examination
  • An ultrasound is performed to check the donor's ovarian reserve
  • Blood tests: The donor's blood type is checked, and infectious diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, etc. are excluded
  • Genetic study: A karyotype is performed to see all the donor's chromosomes, and in addition, DNA is studied using a test that analyzes over 300 possible genetic diseases.
  • Psychological test: Questionnaires are filled out with information about the donor's and her close relatives' medical history. 

A psychological test is also performed to verify that the woman does not suffer from any mental disorder. Once all the required tests for egg donors have been passed, the donation procedure takes place essentially in two steps:

  • Hormonal ovarian stimulation treatment.
  • Follicular puncture for egg retrieval. 

Due to the potential risks and inconveniences associated with the donation process, a compensation is set by the Ministry of Health in the amount of 800 to 1000 euros, which will be provided by the clinic. It is the medical team who will be responsible for matching the donor and recipient, thus preserving the anonymity of the donation. Law 14/2006 stipulates that: In all cases, the medical team of the clinic must strive to guarantee the greatest phenotypic and immunological similarity possible between the donor and the recipient woman. This means that the medical team must compare the profiles of available donors with the recipient in order to find the one that presents the greatest compatibility:

  • Immunological: blood type and Rh factor.
  • Phenotypic: physical characteristics such as height, complexion, eye color, hair color, skin color, etc.

Our panel of donors is large enough to ensure that egg donation is provided without a waiting list. Donors will be assigned to recipients in an effort to ensure as much as possible the phenotypic (physical characteristics) and immunological similarity between the two.

Matching is governed by Law 14/2006, which states that: in all cases, the medical team at the clinic must strive to ensure the greatest possible phenotypic and immunological similarity between the donor and the recipient woman. This means that the medical team must compare the profiles of available donors with the recipient in order to find the one that presents the greatest compatibility:

  • Immunological: blood type and Rh factor.
  • Phenotypic: physical characteristics such as height, complexion, eye color, hair color, skin color, etc.

In addition, egg donation is completely anonymous. Neither the donors nor the recipients should know the identity of the future recipients of their gametes, nor vice versa.

We can keep your vitrified embryos at the clinic. The vitrification and annual maintenance of frozen embryos from the day of vitrification costs €400 per year, for an indefinite period as long as you cover the expenses.

2023Positive Beta HCGClinical Pregnancy
Synchronous egg donation88%79%
Frozen egg donation70%52%
Substitutive Hormonal Treatment62%47%
Natural cycle egg donation75%56%

Here are our results in 2023 for egg donation for patients aged 40 to 50 years old. The choice of protocol depends on your profile and we always choose the best option for your case.

Our facility is one of the most efficient because we have implemented an ultra-sophisticated air treatment system that eliminates, in addition to the required standard norms, all volatile organic compounds from the laboratory. The technological means implemented in our laboratory are innovative and high-performing.

We use the Embryoscope Flex, which is equipped with micro-cameras that allow the laboratory team to monitor the development of each embryo in real time, without disturbing them, and without modifying the ideal temperature or the protective indoor atmosphere.

The operating theater is also equipped with the best possible technology, and our rest areas are designed to make every patient feel comfortable.

Whether it's doctors or medical assistants, they are very attentive to our patients and answer all their questions. If the distress is more significant, a psychologist is available to help with the care.

We welcome patients from all cultural, religious, and geographical backgrounds to our clinic. Even the members of our team are multicultural: Spanish, Italian, French, Algerian, Russian, Chinese...

Let's start with our gynecologists: each of them has over 5 years of experience in renowned Spanish assisted reproductive technology (ART) centers (Dexeus, Eugin). The same goes for our nurses and medical assistants, who have all been recruited from ART centers and therefore have the required experience to provide the best care for our patients.

Most members of our administrative and care team are multilingual (French, English, Russian, Italian, German, Arabic...), and we can also use interpreters for more specific languages.

We do not have a waiting list, the only obstacle is completing or updating the necessary tests and examinations and starting the endometrial preparation of the recipient.

We have several protocols for egg donation with endometrial preparation that can be done either with hormonal substitution treatment or in a natural cycle. The choice between these two preparations is made after your first visit with your doctor, as several factors need to be evaluated to choose one protocol over the other. Monitoring is typically done at home with your treating doctor (ultrasounds, blood tests...) and the results are transmitted to us. The transfer is performed by the doctor at the clinic who has been following you since your first visit.

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Monica Mandas
COIB: 057909
Dr. Rebeca Beguería
Gynecologist in Human Assisted Reproduction
COMB: 40754
Joan Massó
IVF Lab Director
CBC: 21270C
Dr. Clàudia Forteza
Gynecologist in Human Assisted Reproduction
COMB: 50849
Dr. Manel Fabó
Anaesthetist Doctor
COMB 23569
Dr. Iñaki González-Foruria
Medical Director
COMB: 40780
Have questions?
Request your free consultation today!

Our experts are ready to examine your case history, clarify your choices, and address every question you have.

Don't wait to make informed decisions – your personalized guidance awaits!

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  • Sint Maarten+1
  • Slovakia (Slovensko)+421
  • Slovenia (Slovenija)+386
  • Solomon Islands+677
  • Somalia (Soomaaliya)+252
  • South Africa+27
  • South Korea (대한민국)+82
  • South Sudan (‫جنوب السودان‬‎)+211
  • Spain (España)+34
  • Sri Lanka (ශ්‍රී ලංකාව)+94
  • Sudan (‫السودان‬‎)+249
  • Suriname+597
  • Svalbard and Jan Mayen+47
  • Sweden (Sverige)+46
  • Syria (‫سوريا‬‎)+963
  • Taiwan (台灣)+886
  • Tajikistan+992
  • Tanzania+255
  • Thailand (ไทย)+66
  • Timor-Leste+670
  • Togo+228
  • Tokelau+690
  • Tonga+676
  • Trinidad and Tobago+1
  • Tunisia (‫تونس‬‎)+216
  • Turkey (Türkiye)+90
  • Turkmenistan+993
  • Turks and Caicos Islands+1
  • Tuvalu+688
  • U.S. Virgin Islands+1
  • Uganda+256
  • Ukraine (Україна)+380
  • United Arab Emirates (‫الإمارات العربية المتحدة‬‎)+971
  • Uruguay+598
  • Uzbekistan (Oʻzbekiston)+998
  • Vanuatu+678
  • Vatican City (Città del Vaticano)+39
  • Venezuela+58
  • Vietnam (Việt Nam)+84
  • Wallis and Futuna (Wallis-et-Futuna)+681
  • Western Sahara (‫الصحراء الغربية‬‎)+212
  • Yemen (‫اليمن‬‎)+967
  • Zambia+260
  • Zimbabwe+263
  • Åland Islands+358
The field is filled in incorrectly

Visit our clinic

We are located in the heart of Barcelona.


Travessera de les Corts, 322
08029 Barcelona Spain
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Call us now

August: 9:00 - 18:00, Mon - Thu
9:00 - 17:00, Fri
(+34) 936 555 888

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Photo inside of Natuvitro Clinic in Barcelona
Photo inside of Natuvitro Clinic in Barcelona
Photo inside of Natuvitro Clinic in Barcelona
Photo inside of Natuvitro Clinic in Barcelona
Photo inside of Natuvitro Clinic in Barcelona
Photo inside of Natuvitro Clinic in Barcelona
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