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Medical Procedures and Protocols for IVF with Egg Donation
Assisted Reproduction Center

Medical Procedures and Protocols for IVF with Egg Donation

Embarking on the journey to parenthood is a profound and cherished aspiration for many. However, for some individuals and couples, this path may present unique challenges. In the realm of assisted reproductive technology, IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) with egg donation has emerged as a beacon of hope, offering a ray of possibility to those facing infertility issues.

This article embarks on a comprehensive exploration of the intricate medical procedures and protocols associated with IVF using donated eggs, a process that has brought joy and fulfillment to countless individuals and families. We aim to provide a deep understanding of this fertility treatment, its various aspects, and how it can transform the dreams of parenthood into a beautiful reality, all within the framework provided by the clinic.

Our journey through this article will encompass 4 pivotal topics:

  1. Pre-Implantation Genetic Testing (PGT): The wonders of modern medical science have introduced a groundbreaking technique known as Pre-Implantation Genetic Testing, abbreviated as PGT. We will explore how PGT plays a vital role in IVF with egg donation, ensuring the health and genetic integrity of embryos, and the profound impact it has on the success of the procedure.
  2. Cryopreservation (Freezing) in Egg Donation Procedures: Cryopreservation, the process of freezing and storing biological material, has revolutionized fertility treatments. Within the context of IVF with egg donation, it holds immense significance. We will elucidate the role of cryopreservation in preserving both donated eggs and embryos, increasing the flexibility and success rates of the procedure.
  3. Endometrial Preparation in Natural Cycle for Egg Donation, closely monitoring and harnessing the recipient's natural menstrual cycle for endometrial preparation. Unlike traditional IVF cycles, where recipients are often subjected to hormonal medications to synchronize cycles, the natural cycle approach aims to align the embryo transfer with the recipient's own physiological rhythm, the method involves closely monitoring and harnessing the recipient's natural menstrual cycle for endometrial preparation. 
  4. VOC(Volitile Organic Compound) free laboratory, the safe environment for your embryos to grow.

The Use of Pre-Implantation Genetic Testing (PGT) to Enhance the Success of IVF with Egg Donation

The world of reproductive medicine has witnessed remarkable advancements in recent years, and at the forefront of these breakthroughs stands Pre-Implantation Genetic Testing (PGT), a groundbreaking technique that has revolutionized the landscape of assisted reproductive technologies. In the context of IVF with egg donation, PGT plays an indispensable role within the framework provided by the clinic, ensuring the health and genetic integrity of embryos and significantly impacting the success of the procedure.

PGT is a sophisticated method that allows for the comprehensive genetic evaluation of embryos before they are implanted into the uterus. This evaluation covers a range of genetic factors, including chromosomal abnormalities and specific genetic disorders. By identifying and selecting embryos with the best genetic profile, PGT enhances the chances of a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child.

There are several key aspects of PGT in the context of IVF with egg donation that deserve exploration:

  • Chromosomal Abnormalities: PGT can identify chromosomal abnormalities in embryos, which are a leading cause of implantation failure and miscarriages. By selecting embryos with normal chromosome counts, the likelihood of a successful pregnancy is significantly improved.
  • Genetic Disorders: PGT can also identify specific genetic disorders, allowing intended parents to avoid passing on inheritable conditions to their child. This aspect of PGT is particularly crucial for couples with known genetic risks.
  • Embryo Viability: PGT aids in the selection of embryos with the highest potential for implantation and successful development. This ensures that the selected embryo is more likely to result in a healthy pregnancy.
  • Reduced Multiple Pregnancies: PGT enables the transfer of a single embryo with the highest chance of success, reducing the risk of multiple pregnancies, which can carry health risks for both the mother and the infants.

The integration of PGT into IVF with egg donation represents a significant leap forward in reproductive medicine. It not only enhances the success rates of the procedure but also offers peace of mind to intended parents, knowing that the embryos selected for transfer are of the highest genetic quality.

At NatuVitro, we understand the significance of PGT and its role in the journey to parenthood through IVF with egg donation. We are dedicated to offering this advanced technology to our patients, ensuring that they have the best possible chances of a successful pregnancy and a healthy child.

The use of PGT in IVF with egg donation is a testament to the ongoing progress in reproductive medicine, bringing hope and possibilities to individuals and couples on their path to parenthood. It represents an incredible opportunity to increase the likelihood of a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child.

Understanding PGT

Pre-Implantation Genetic Testing, often abbreviated as PGT, is a sophisticated procedure that allows embryologists and healthcare professionals to examine the genetic makeup of embryos created through IVF. This examination occurs prior to embryo transfer, providing valuable information about the embryos' genetic health. PGT has three primary applications, each serving a specific purpose:

  • PGT-A (Aneuploidy Screening): PGT-A assesses the number of chromosomes in an embryo. An abnormal chromosome count can result in conditions such as Down syndrome and significantly reduce the likelihood of a successful pregnancy. By identifying embryos with the correct number of chromosomes, PGT-A helps ensure that only genetically normal embryos are selected for transfer.
  • PGT-M (Monogenic Disease Testing): PGT-M is used when there is a known genetic mutation or disorder in the family. It enables the identification of embryos free from the specific genetic condition, minimizing the risk of passing on hereditary diseases to the offspring.
  • PGT-SR (Structural Rearrangement Testing): PGT-SR is employed when one or both partners have a chromosomal rearrangement, which can lead to recurrent pregnancy loss or developmental issues. This test helps identify embryos with normal chromosomal structures, increasing the chances of a healthy pregnancy, always within the framework provided by the clinic.

These applications of PGT offer a profound level of insight into the genetic health of embryos, enabling healthcare professionals to make informed decisions about which embryos to transfer, ultimately increasing the likelihood of a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child.

The Role of PGT in IVF with Egg Donation

In the context of IVF with egg donation, the use of PGT has far-reaching implications. Donated eggs may come from a variety of sources, and PGT allows for a comprehensive assessment of the genetic health of the embryos created from these eggs.

For maximizing the chances of a successful pregnancy, PGT identifies embryos with the highest potential for successful implantation and full-term development. This increases the chances of a healthy pregnancy and the birth of a genetically healthy child.

To reduce the risk of genetic disorders by screening for aneuploidy and specific genetic mutations, PGT minimizes the risk of transmitting genetic diseases to the offspring, assuring prospective parents of a healthier and more certain family-building process. This is a significant relief for families with known genetic risks.

To tailor treatment to individual needs, PGT allows fertility specialists to tailor treatment plans to the specific genetic profile of the embryos, ensuring that the most suitable embryos are selected for transfer. This personalized approach enhances the overall success of IVF with egg donation and offers prospective parents a greater level of confidence and assurance on their path to parenthood.

The Profound Impact of PGT on the Success of IVF with Egg Donation

The impact of PGT on the success of IVF with egg donation is profound. It not only maximizes the chances of a successful pregnancy but also offers peace of mind to individuals and couples embarking on their journey to parenthood. The ability to select genetically healthy embryos significantly reduces the emotional and financial burden of multiple IVF cycles, as well as the risk of miscarriage or the birth of a child with genetic disorders.

At clinics like NatuVitro, PGT is an integral part of the IVF with egg donation process. The incorporation of PGT ensures that every step is taken to optimize the outcomes and fulfill the dreams of those seeking to expand their families. By utilizing PGT, fertility clinics can provide a higher standard of care and instill confidence in their patients.

The Role of Cryopreservation (Freezing) in Enhancing Success and Flexibility in Egg Donation Procedures

The field of reproductive medicine has evolved exponentially in recent years, introducing innovative techniques that have revolutionized fertility treatments. One such groundbreaking advancement is cryopreservation, commonly known as egg freezing. In the context of egg donation procedures, cryopreservation plays a pivotal role, offering a myriad of advantages that optimize success rates and provide invaluable flexibility to patients on their path to parenthood.

Cryopreservation involves the freezing and storage of eggs or embryos for future use. In IVF with egg donation, this technique offers several profound benefits:

Increased Flexibility: Cryopreservation allows for the storage of eggs from the egg donor for an extended period. This provides flexibility in coordinating the egg retrieval, fertilization, and embryo transfer. It also enables precise timing to align with the recipient's cycle, optimizing the chances of a successful pregnancy.

Reduced Stress and Pressure: The immediate use of fresh eggs can create time pressure and stress. Cryopreservation alleviates this pressure, allowing both the egg donor and recipient to proceed at a pace that best suits their individual needs.

Risk Mitigation: By freezing eggs, the risk of a failed egg retrieval or low egg yield is mitigated. It ensures that a sufficient number of quality eggs are available when needed for fertilization.

Minimized Cost: Cryopreservation can reduce the overall cost of IVF with egg donation. It eliminates the need for repeated egg retrieval procedures and the associated costs, making fertility treatment more affordable for patients.

Optimized Timing: Cryopreservation enables precise timing of embryo transfer, aligning with the recipient's cycle. This synchronization enhances the chances of successful implantation and pregnancy.

The role of cryopreservation in egg donation procedures is transformative. It offers a level of flexibility and precision that was previously unattainable, ultimately increasing the likelihood of a successful pregnancy and the fulfillment of the dreams of intended parents. This innovative technique, offered at clinics like NatuVitro, exemplifies the progress in reproductive medicine, providing hope and possibilities to those on their journey to parenthood while adhering to the clinic's guidelines.

What is Cryopreservation

Cryopreservation, or egg freezing, is a technique that involves the preservation of biological material, in this case, eggs or embryos, at extremely low temperatures. This process effectively halts the biological clock, allowing eggs to be stored for an extended period without losing their viability. Cryopreserved eggs can be thawed and used for fertilization in the future, offering a range of benefits for both egg donors and recipients within the clinic's protocols.

The Significance of Cryopreservation in Egg Donation Procedures

Cryopreservation plays a pivotal role in enhancing egg donor recruitment and synchronization, which is a crucial aspect of egg donation procedures. This technique offers a practical solution to a common logistical challenge in the process, ensuring more efficient coordination between egg donors and recipients. The timing and synchronization of menstrual cycles are essential for successful egg donation, and cryopreservation streamlines this process by allowing donated eggs to be preserved until the recipient's uterine lining is optimally prepared for embryo transfer. This flexibility minimizes the risk of cycle asynchrony and contributes to higher success rates.

Moreover, cryopreservation reduces the emotional burden associated with egg donation procedures. It allows donors to undergo the egg retrieval process at their convenience, and recipients can prepare for embryo transfer without the pressure of coordinating schedules with the donor. This leads to a more relaxed and positive experience for all parties involved.

Additionally, cryopreservation minimizes the risk of cycle cancellation, a concern in conventional egg donation. Unforeseen circumstances, such as poor response to ovarian stimulation or unexpected donor unavailability, can lead to cycle cancellation. Cryopreservation significantly reduces this risk, as eggs are readily available for future use. This assurance offers peace of mind to recipients, ensuring that their path to parenthood remains on track, even in the face of unforeseen events.

Endometrial Preparation in Natural Cycle

Endometrial preparation in the natural cycle for cryo transfer in egg donation treatment presents a promising avenue for improving outcomes and patient satisfaction. The physiological synchronization, reduced medication-related risks, personalized timing for cryo transfer, minimized disruptions to the natural cycle, cost-effectiveness, and patient-centric care collectively contribute to the appeal of this approach. As advancements in reproductive medicine continue, the emphasis on tailoring treatments to align with the recipient's natural cycle underscores the commitment to optimizing success in egg donation treatments while prioritizing the well-being of those on the journey to parenthood.

Benefits of Endometrial Preparation in Natural Cycle for Egg Donation includes:  

Physiological Synchronization for Optimal Receptivity: The natural cycle allows for the synchronization of endometrial receptivity with the developmental stage of the donated embryo. This physiological alignment is crucial for maximizing the chances of successful implantation, as the uterus is in its most receptive state during the natural menstrual cycle.  

Reduced Medication-Related Risks for Recipients: Recipients in egg donation treatments often appreciate the reduced reliance on hormonal medications. The avoidance or minimization of these medications lowers the risk of side effects, offering a more comfortable and less intrusive experience for women receiving donated eggs.  

Personalized Timing for Cryo Transfer: Natural cycle endometrial preparation allows for a personalized approach to timing cryo transfer. By leveraging the recipient's natural menstrual cycle, healthcare providers can optimize the timing of embryo transfer based on the individual's unique physiological characteristics, potentially improving the chances of successful implantation.  

Minimized Disruptions to the Recipient's Natural Cycle: The use of hormonal medications in traditional IVF cycles can disrupt the recipient's natural menstrual cycle. Natural cycle endometrial preparation minimizes these disruptions, providing a treatment approach that aligns with the recipient's own reproductive rhythm.  

Cost-Effectiveness and Accessibility: Similar to natural cycle IVF, the egg donation process with endometrial preparation in the natural cycle can be more cost-effective. The reduced need for fertility medications and monitoring procedures may make egg donation treatment more accessible to a broader range of recipients.  

Patient-Centric Care: The natural cycle approach fosters a patient-centric model of care. By working with the recipient's natural cycle, healthcare providers can tailor the treatment plan to meet individual needs, enhancing the overall patient experience.

VOC Free Lab

As advancements in assisted reproductive technologies continue to reshape the landscape of fertility treatments, one often overlooked factor plays a pivotal role in the success of egg donation treatments—the environment in which the procedures take place. 

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are chemicals that can be emitted as gases from various materials, and their presence in lab environments can have subtle yet significant effects on the delicate processes involved in egg donation treatments. Let´s explores the importance of VOC-free labs and their substantial impact on the success rates of egg donation treatments.

Understanding VOCs and Their Impact

VOCs are a diverse group of compounds that can be found in everyday products such as cleaning agents, paints, and furniture. In a laboratory setting, the presence of VOCs can arise from laboratory equipment, cleaning products, and construction materials. These compounds have the potential to interact with the delicate processes of assisted reproductive technologies, including egg donation treatments, and may adversely affect the success rates of these procedures.  

Key Benefits of VOC-Free Labs in Egg Donation Treatment

Optimal Conditions for Gamete Handling: The handling of donor eggs and sperm requires a controlled environment free from external contaminants. VOC-free labs provide optimal conditions for gamete handling, minimizing the risk of exposure to substances that could compromise the viability of reproductive cells.  

Enhanced Embryo Culture Environment: In vitro fertilization (IVF) involves the culture of embryos in a laboratory setting before transfer. The quality of the culture environment is paramount to the success of egg donation treatments. VOC-free labs create a pristine environment that reduces the likelihood of contaminants affecting the embryo culture, thus fostering conditions conducive to optimal embryo development.  

Mitigation of Potential Developmental Interference: VOCs have been associated with developmental and reproductive toxicity. In the context of egg donation treatments, the mitigation of potential developmental interference is crucial for ensuring the health and viability of embryos. A VOC-free lab environment contributes to a cleaner and safer space for the critical stages of embryo development.  

Minimized Risk of Genetic and Epigenetic Aberrations: Exposure to environmental pollutants, including VOCs, has been linked to genetic and epigenetic abnormalities. By eliminating or significantly reducing VOCs in the laboratory setting, the risk of genetic and epigenetic aberrations in developing embryos is minimized, thereby enhancing the overall success rates of egg donation treatments.  

Consistent Temperature and Humidity Control: VOC-free labs often feature advanced systems for temperature and humidity control. Maintaining consistent and optimal conditions is essential for the success of assisted reproductive technologies. Fluctuations in temperature and humidity can compromise the viability of eggs and embryos, underscoring the importance of a controlled environment.  

Improved Air Quality for Lab Staff and Patients: Beyond its impact on reproductive cells, a VOC-free lab prioritizes the health and well-being of both laboratory staff and patients. Improved air quality reduces the risk of respiratory issues and other health concerns associated with exposure to VOCs, creating a safer and more comfortable environment for everyone involved in the egg donation process.  

The significance of VOC-free labs in egg donation treatments cannot be overstated. By providing an environment free from harmful contaminants, these laboratories contribute substantially to the success rates of assisted reproductive technologies. The benefits extend beyond the immediate reproductive processes, impacting the genetic integrity of embryos, the well-being of laboratory staff, and the overall quality of the treatment experience for patients. As the field of reproductive medicine continues to advance, the role of VOC-free labs emerges as a critical factor in ensuring the highest standards of care and success for individuals and couples embarking on the transformative journey of egg donation treatments.    

NatuVitro is proud to be the first certified VOC free IVF laboratory in Spain and our success rate speaks for itself. We will continue to push the bar for technological advancement and provide the best result to our patients.

Dr. Iñaki González-Foruria
Medical Director
COMB: 40780
Dr. Clàudia Forteza
Gynecologist in Human Assisted Reproduction
COMB: 50849
Dr. Rebeca Beguería
Gynecologist in Human Assisted Reproduction
COMB: 40754
Joan Massó
IVF Lab Director
CBC: 21270C
Dr. Manel Fabó
Anaesthetist Doctor
COMB 23569
Monica Mandas
COIB: 057909
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